Placeholders for Pokémon Trades
The name of the seller
The time until the listing expires
The Price
Species name
Lower case species name
The Friendship percentage
Pokémon Level
The Nature
The Ability Name
If the Pokémon is untradeable
Total IV Percentage
HP IV of the Pokémon
Attack IV of the Pokémon
Defence IV of the Pokémon
Special Attack IV of the Pokémon
Special Defence IV of the Pokémon
Speed IV of the Pokémon
Attack EV of the Pokémon
Defence EV of the Pokemon
Special Attack EV of the Pokémon
Special Defence EV of the Pokémon
Speed EV of the Pokémon
The move in slot 1
The move in slot 2
The move in slot 3
The move in slot 4
How many times the mew has been cloned if applicable
The times the trio has been gemmed if applicable
If the pokemon is Shiny
Form of the Pokémon
Size of the Pokémon
Custom Texture of the Pokémon
Placeholders for Items Trades
The name of the seller
The time until the trade expires
Price of the trade
Name of the item
The amount of the item
Last updated