Sprite Config
You can usually find sprite config settings in the GUI settings, however sometimes they're also located in specific sections of the main config.
A sprite config section defines how the sprite item should appear in the GUI for a given pokemon. Below you will be able to find commented, and uncommented, versions of the default sprite config found in all the EnvyWare Ltd mods.
Uncommented Config
name: '&b%species_name% %nickname%'
- '&7Level: &b%level%'
- '&7Shiny: &b%shiny%'
- '&7Palette: &b%palette%'
- '&7Gender: %gender%'
- '&7Breedable: %breedable%'
- '&7Friendship: %friendship%'
- '&7Nature: &b%nature%'
- '&7Form: &b%form%'
- '&7Growth: &b%size%'
- '&7Ability: &b%ability%'
- '&7Friendship: &b%friendship%'
- '&7Untradeable: &b%untradeable%'
- ' '
- '&7IVs (&b%iv_percentage%%&7):'
- ' §7HP: %iv_hp% §d| §7Atk: %iv_attack% §d| §7Def: %iv_defence%'
- ' §7SAtk: %iv_spattack% §d| §7SDef: %iv_spdefence% §d| §7Spd: %iv_speed%'
- ' '
- '&7EVs:'
- ' §7HP: &b%ev_hp% §d| §7Atk: &b%ev_attack% §d| §7Def: &b%ev_defence%'
- ' §7SAtk: &b%ev_spattack% §d| §7SDef: &b%ev_spdefence% §d| §7Spd: &b%ev_speed%'
- ' '
- '&7Moves:'
- ' &b%move_1%'
- ' &b%move_2%'
- ' &b%move_3%'
- ' &b%move_4%'
- ' '
- '%mew_cloned%'
- '%trio_gemmed%'
untrdeable-true-format: '&aTRUE'
untradeable-false-format: '&cFALSE'
ability-format: '%ability_name% %ability_ha%'
ha-format: '&7(&c&lHA&7)'
male-format: '&bMale'
female-format: '&dFemale'
none-format: '&fNONE'
shiny-true-format: '&aTRUE'
shiny-false-format: '&cFALSE'
unbreedable-true-format: '&aTRUE'
unbreedable-false-format: '&cFALSE'
mew-cloned-format: '&7Times Cloned: %cloned%'
gemmed-format: '&7Gemmed: %gemmed%'
nature-format: '%nature_name% %mint_nature%'
mint-nature-format: '&7(%mint_nature_name%&7)'
normal-iv-colour: '&b'
hyper-iv-colour: '&e'
Commented Config
name: '&b%species_name% %nickname%' # The item name
lore: # The lore of the item
- '&7Level: &b%level%'
- '&7Shiny: &b%shiny%'
- '&7Palette: &b%palette%'
- '&7Gender: %gender%'
- '&7Breedable: %breedable%'
- '&7Friendship: %friendship%'
- '&7Nature: &b%nature%'
- '&7Form: &b%form%'
- '&7Growth: &b%size%'
- '&7Ability: &b%ability%'
- '&7Friendship: &b%friendship%'
- '&7Untradeable: &b%untradeable%'
- ' '
- '&7IVs (&b%iv_percentage%%&7):'
- ' §7HP: %iv_hp% §d| §7Atk: %iv_attack% §d| §7Def: %iv_defence%'
- ' §7SAtk: %iv_spattack% §d| §7SDef: %iv_spdefence% §d| §7Spd: %iv_speed%'
- ' '
- '&7EVs:'
- ' §7HP: &b%ev_hp% §d| §7Atk: &b%ev_attack% §d| §7Def: &b%ev_defence%'
- ' §7SAtk: &b%ev_spattack% §d| §7SDef: &b%ev_spdefence% §d| §7Spd: &b%ev_speed%'
- ' '
- '&7Moves:'
- ' &b%move_1%'
- ' &b%move_2%'
- ' &b%move_3%'
- ' &b%move_4%'
- ' '
- '%mew_cloned%'
- '%trio_gemmed%'
untrdeable-true-format: '&aTRUE' # What text will show ip in the place of the %unbreedable% placeholder when the pokemon is untradeable
untradeable-false-format: '&cFALSE' # What text will show ip in the place of the %unbreedable% placeholder when the pokemon is tradeable
ability-format: '%ability_name% %ability_ha%' # What to display in the %ability% placeholder's place
ha-format: '&7(&c&lHA&7)' # What the hidden ability placeholder should display when the pokemon has a hidden ability
male-format: '&bMale' # The male gender placeholder text
female-format: '&dFemale' # The female gender placeholder text
none-format: '&fNONE' # The none gender placeholder text
shiny-true-format: '&aTRUE' # The shiny placeholder format
shiny-false-format: '&cFALSE' # The non-shiny placeholder format
unbreedable-true-format: '&aTRUE' # The unbreedable placeholder format
unbreedable-false-format: '&cFALSE' # The breedable placeholder format
mew-cloned-format: '&7Times Cloned: %cloned%' # The format for mew clones when the pokemon is mew
gemmed-format: '&7Gemmed: %gemmed%' # The gemmed format for when the pokemon is one of the legendary lake trio
nature-format: '%nature_name% %mint_nature%' # The nature placeholder text with releveant mint information
mint-nature-format: '&7(%mint_nature_name%&7)' # Text to display if a mint has been used
normal-iv-colour: '&b' # The colour of the IV if the IV has not been hyper trained
hyper-iv-colour: '&e' # The colour of the IV if the IV has been hyper trained
Accepted Placeholders
Placeholders useable in the sprite config:
- Pokemon's nickname%held_item%
- Pokemon's held item localized name%palette%
- Pokemon's palette localized name%species_name%
- Pokemon's species localized name%level%
- Pokemon's level%gender%
- Pokemon's gender localized name%breedable%
- Pokemon breedable placeholder%nature%
- Pokemon's nature information%nature_name%
- Pokemon's nature localized name%mint_nature%
- Pokemon's mint nature information%mint_nature_name%
- Pokemon's mint nature localized name%ability%
- Pokemon's ability information%ability_name%
- Pokemon's ability localized name%ability_ha%
- Pokemon's hidden ability information%friendship%
- Pokemon's friendship level%untradeable%
- Pokemon's untradeable status%iv_percentage%
- Pokemon's IV percentage%iv_hp%
- Pokemon's HP IV value%iv_attack%
- Pokemon's Attack IV value%iv_defence%
- Pokemon's Defence IV value%iv_spattack%
- Pokemon's Special Attack IV value%iv_spdefence%
- Pokemon's Special Defence IV value%iv_speed%
- Pokemon's Speed IV value%ev_hp%
- Pokemon's HP EV value%ev_attack%
- Pokemon's Attack EV value%ev_defence%
- Pokemon's Defence EV value%ev_spattack%
- Pokemon's Special Attack EV value%ev_spdefence%
- Pokemon's Special Defence EV value%ev_speed%
- Pokemon's Speed EV value%move_1%
- Pokemon's first move localized name%move_2%
- Pokemon's second move localized name%move_3%
- Pokemon's third move localized name%move_4%
- Pokemon's fourth move localized name%shiny%
- Pokemon's shiny status%form%
- Pokemon's form localized name%size%
- Pokemon's growth localized name%friendship%
- Pokemon's friendship%mew_cloned%
- Pokemon's cloned status (will not show up if not mew)%cloned%
- Pokemon's number of clones (will not show up if not mew)%trio_gemmed%
- Pokemon's gemmed status (will not show up if not legendary lake trio)%gemmed%
- Pokemon's gemmed count (will not show up if not legendary lake trio)
Last updated