The alternative method of registering commands is using the PlatformCommandBuilder provided using the CommandFactory method commandBuilder. All the methods are relatively self explanatory, and below you can find an example.
public PlatformCommand getCommandNow() {
return this.commandFactory.commandBuilder()
.permissionCheck((sender, args) -> UtilPlayer.hasPermission(sender, "command.broadcast"))
.descriptionProvider((sender, args) -> Lists.newArrayList("Broadcast command"))
.noPermissionProvider(sender -> Collections.singletonList("&c&l(!) &cYou do not have permission to use this command!"))
.executor((sender, args) -> sender.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("broadcast message! " + String.join(" ", args)))
.subCommands(Lists.newArrayList(getCommandNow())) // Probably best not to do this but serves as a reasonable example
.tabHandler((sender, args) -> Lists.newArrayList("hello world"))